Conference 2016  22-24 November


EuroVR Conference 2016, 22-24 November, Athens

Demos Descriptions

3D Tune-In: interactive gaming and VR prototypes to facilitate the use of hearing aids

Lorenzo Picinali, Mirabelle D’Cruz, Luca Simeone on behalf of 3D Tune-In consortium

Abstract: 3D Tune-In introduces an innovative approach using 3D sound, visuals and gamification techniques to support people with hearing devices to understand their many features and how to calibrate them in different real world situations (e.g. at a concert, in a restaurant, on a street, at a train station, in a classroom). 3D Tune-In brings together the relevant stakeholders from traditional gaming industries, academic institutions, a large European hearing aid manufacturer, and hearing associations to create 3D videogames and VR applications which will greatly improve people’s quality of life, generate new markets and create job opportunities. Following from the position paper presented at the EuroVR 2015 conference in Italy, the 3D Tune-In consortium is pleased to present a series of demonstrations on the early prototypes of the 3D Tune-In Toolkit, games and VR applications.

Acrophobia: an Artistic Virtual Reality Experience

Vetsiou Konstantina , Dr. Manthos Santorineos

Abstract: "Acrophobia" is an artistic project currently in progress and its main theme is the experience of acrophobia as this is presented in a virtual reality environment. The project refers to the concept of using Virtual Reality as a tool against anxiety disorders such as specific phobias (fear of height, claustrophobia etc.). The usage of the vir- tual reality helmet Oculus Rift helps in the stereoscopic immersion of the player, whereas when combined with a camera motion tracking system like Kinect, this offers a complete experience for the user who can navigate through the various environments of the project and face the given challenges concerning this specific phobia. The conducted research regards the use of virtual reality as an exposure tool for the treatment of specific phobias due to its effectiveness and the augmented sense of presence and immersion within virtual experiences.

ÇH3D: take a run and let’s {LEAP] into the past!

Laia Pujol-Tost, Dimitris Christopoulos, Hara Sfyri

Abstract: This demo will present ÇH3D, a VR-mediated experience built in the context of the EU-funded project LEAP (Learning of Archaeology through Presence). The research project is based on a reformulation of the HCI con- cept of Cultural Presence, and has provided interesting results regarding its underlying factors, its correlation with learning, and its suitability as an assessment tool.

Body, bacteria, life cycle

Christina Oikonomou, Dr. Manthos Santorineos, Dr. Stavroula Zoi

Abstract: This demo presents an artistic game in progress, which evolves inside the human body. In the current version, the player is inserted into the space of the human body in order to find abnormal cells and exterminate them.

A VR framework prototype for immersive exploration and manipulation of molecular structures based on UnityMol

Xavier Martinez, Sebastien Doutreligne, Patrick Bourdot and Marc Baaden

Abstract: Macromolecular structures are complex and dynamic sets of hundreds to millions of atoms adopting elaborate three-dimensional shapes. Visualizing and exploring these molecular objects to extract knowledge is a major challenge that can be tackled by immersive virtual reality (VR) approaches. With the recent emergence of com- mercial VR solutions this exploration is now widely accessible. Here, we demo a prototype based on UnityMol, a ready-to-use framework to visualize and interact with molecular data.

Gold Sponsors

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Silver Sponsors

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