Presentation Guidelines

Presentation modes:

Due to COVID-19, the presentation modes have changed to adapt them to the virtual/remote organization of EuroVR 2020 conference.

Keynote speakers

1 hour for each keynote speaker (50 minutes for talk + 10 minutes for questions) in a live virtual/remote session.


Scientific track (based on accepted papers, published in the LNCS Springer volume)

All Scientific presentations are planned during afternoons (CEST).

Long scientific papers: 30 minutes including questions (23 minutes for talk + 7 minutes for questions)

Medium scientific papers: 20 minutes including questions (15 minutes for talk + 5 minutes for questions). They will take place both in live during one of virtual/remote Scientific sessions.

Short scientific papers: these accepted contributions will be presented as Scientific posters, distinguished by the including the Springer logo. Except the publication and logo specificities highlighted above, Scientific posters have the same presentation format than Application posters and Demonstrations (see below Poster and Demonstration presentations).


Application track (based on accepted abstracts, published in the VTT volume)

All Application presentations are planned during mornings (CEST).

Application talks: 15 minutes including questions (10 minutes for talk + 5 minutes for questions). They will take place in live during one of the virtual/remote Application sessions.

Application posters: 15 minutes including questions (10 minutes for talk + 5 minutes for questions). Application posters have the same presentation format than Scientific posters and Demonstrations (see below Poster and Demonstration presentations).


Poster and Demonstration presentations

The presentations of the Scientific posters, Application posters, and Demonstrations, will be based on two complementary and mandatory sessions:

  • Fast-forward session: it is a no live session (except for the chair), based on short videos (3 minutes for each, to present 2-3 slides, no more) stitched with other posters and demonstrations in a large video; webpage and deadline to upload these short videos will be announced soon.
  • Presentation session: presenters will have to be present in dedicated virtual rooms during a 1-hour session for live presentation of their Poster or Demonstration (attendees of the conference will switch from a room to another to interact with presenters).