Submission Guidelines for Scientific Track

Contributions for the Scientific track of EuroVR 2020 can be:

  • Scientific Full papers – either Long (14-20 pages) or Medium (8-12 pages) sizing – to be presented respectively as long or short talks during the scientific talk sessions: such submissions target original, unpublished papers documenting new research contributions, practices and experience, novel applications in VR or AV/AR/MR, or sound States of the Arts on challenging research questions in that field.
  • Scientific Poster/Short papers (4-6 pages) to be presented during the scientific poster sessions: such submissions targets work in progress or other scientific contributions including ideas for unimplemented and/or unusual VR or AV/AR/MR systems.

Independently to these two categories and the three paper-sizing, all scientific contributions will have to follow the one column Springer format (see below, Paper Formatting section).

The topics of interest of scientific contributions papers may be seen here.

For this scientific track, the  Scientific Program Chairs, will select the accepted contributions thanks to a double blind peer reviewing process among the International Program Committee (IPC).  All accepted papers will be published with the sizing corresponding to their category in the Scientific proceedings of EuroVR 2020, edited by Springer as a volume of the Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series. For your convenience, indexing information of LNCS series is available on this Springer webpage.

For all scientific contributions, from submission stage up to providing the camera-ready document set for accepted contributions, it is mandatory to upload, before the related deadlines, all documents thanks to the Online Conference Service (OCS) of Springer, whose specific pages concern the review and the book edition of the scientific proceedings of EuroVR 2020. Please pay attention that two OCS accesses are available depending of the scientific contribution category, namely:

In submitting any kind of scientific contribution, the author(s) agree that, upon acceptance, they will prepare the final manuscript in time for inclusion into the published proceedings and will present the paper at the conference.

To allow the publication of an accepted paper in the LNCS Springer volume of the Scientific proceedings of EuroVR 2020, it is mandatory one of the authors signs the copyright form on behalf of all of the other authors. The signing author must have obtained permission to do so beforehand. Moreover, the final manuscript will not be published without a regular registration of at least one of the authors of the accepted paper (including payment of the registration fee) before the deadline for camera-ready submission.

Paper Formatting

Authors should consult Springer’s authors’ guidelines and use their proceedings templates, either for LaTeX or for Word, for the preparation of their papers.

To allow a double blind peer reviewing process, please leave submitted paper fully anonymous (no author names, nor affiliation).

For the accepted papers, Springer encourages authors to include their ORCIDs with their names and affiliations.

Paper submission

As previously explained, it is possible to submit Full papers (Long or Medium), or Poster/Short papers.

For the Scientific Full papers, only contributions submitted, through the dedicated OCS webpage (, before July 19, 2020 23:59 CEST, and strictly adhering to the relevant format and paper sizing (i.e. 14-20 pages for long papers, 8-12 pages for medium ones, both in the Springer format), will be considered for reviewing and publication.

For the Scientific Poster/Short papers, only contributions submitted, through the dedicated OCS webpage (, before July 26, 2020 23:59 CEST, and strictly adhering to the relevant format and paper sizing (i.e. 4-6 pages in the Springer format), will be considered for reviewing and publication.

Moreover, please note we kindly asking authors to upload, two days before each of these deadlines, an abstract for each submitted papers, to plan in advance the paper assignation to reviewers.

Notification categories

At the end of the reviewing procedure of the scientific track, submitted contributions will have three possible status.

Some contributions will be accepted in the category of their initial submission (i.e. Scientific Full papers, or Scientific Poster/Short papers), and so will be published in their paper sizing in the LNCS Springer volume of the Scientific proceedings of EuroVR 2020.

Some others, submitted as Scientific Full papers, may be accepted only as Scientific Poster/Short papers. Therefore, such contributions will be also published in the LNCS Springer volume of the Scientific proceedings of EuroVR 2020, but with a re-sizing in the Scientific Poster/Short paper format.

The remaining submissions will not be accepted for the Scientific track of EuroVR 2020. However, please consider that some of them may be redirected for one of the other contribution categories of the conference related to the Application track or the Demo & Exhibition track.

Camera Ready Instructions

Authors whose scientific contributions are accepted, will have to prepare a Camera-ready file set. This set is composed of:

  • Camera-ready file (pdf),
  • Full Source files (i.e. Latex file and all the image files, or the full Word file including images),
  • Consent-to-Publish form (i.e. Springer copyright form of the EuroVR 2020 conference)

Deplaning of the category of the Scientific paper acceptation, the Camera-ready file set must be uploaded either on the Full paper or the Poster/Short paper OCS webpage, and this no later than September 6, 2020 23:59 CEST.

Regarding the Consent-to-Publish form, the corresponding author of each paper, acting on behalf of all of the authors of the paper, must complete and sign a Springer copyright form of the EuroVR 2020 conference. The corresponding author signing the copyright form should match the corresponding author marked on the paper. After the camera ready deadline, no change relating to the authorship of the papers are possible.

Please download here the LNCS Consent-to-Publish form related to the Scientific proceedings of the 17th EuroVR International Conference (EuroVR 2020).

Paper without signed Consent-to-Publish form, and without a regular registration for at least one of the authors at the camera-ready deadline will not be included in the conference proceedings published as an LNCS book of Springer.

Important dates

  • Full Paper submissions (Scientific talks): July 19, 2020 23:59 CEST
  • Short Paper submissions (Scientific posters): July 26, 2020 23:59 CEST
  • Notifications to the authors for all Scientific submissions: September 6, 2020
  • Camera ready for all Scientific contributions: September 16, 2020 23:59 CEST

For further information, feel you free to contact the Scientific Program Chairs of EuroVR 2020.